Sunday, October 04, 2009

Moving Towards An Agile Approach

When a traditional SDLC approach does not help in reducing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) costs and risks IT leaders are forced to look to alternative approaches. One of the approaches that has become popular is the Agile approach. There is a lot of literature available on different agile approaches. As such I will not dwell into them in depth. This article will primarily concentrate on an approach that I have used with good success in transitioning traditional SDLC based ITorganizations into more agile approaches.

The diagram above shows an approach that, in my opinion, incorporates the best of both worlds. It allows traditional firms to retain control in the form of traditional project management tools and processes while incorporating the iterative aspects of agile approaches. This middle ground allow a more controlled transition which helps ameliorate the troubles organizations face in making the transition. These difficulties include:
  1. Lack of adequately trained personnel or training budgets to bring all team members up to speed quickly
  2. Existing infrastructure, templates, software and tools that support the traditional approach
  3. Lack of understanding from upper management and therefore an increased perception of risk.
  4. Inability to allow elements of enterprise control in the form of Change Control and Enterprise architectures/policies to be changed without excessive audit overhead.

The reader should note that the business owner is part of the agileteam and that the time needed to get approval from a Change Control Board is considered to be part of the agile time box.

To be coninued


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