How do I Get JBoss to run against a remote Oracle 9i database
This how to guide assumes1) You have JBoss downloaded and unzipped and running. To check if it is running type http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
2) You have your JAVA_HOME set to the appropriate directory. For example if you unzipped the java sdk zip file to c:\myJava you need to set your path to it as follows
set JAVA_HOME=c:\myJava
1) Install the Oracle client on your machine.
2) Ensure that the oracle driver is installed. You should copy the JDBC driver into
2) Configure the Oracle client to connect with teh remote database
3) Navigate to the directory where your configuration files are stored. If your server was started in default mode the configuration files will be in the c:\jboss**\default\conf and c:\jboss**\default\deploy directories
4) Modify the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml file. Edit this file to indicate that oracle is the database server and the typemapping to be used is for Oracle
Type mapping:
5) Remove the hypersonic configuration xml file hsqldb-ds.xml from the
6) Configure your oracle-ds.xml file. You will need to modify your connection URL to specify the server the database is running on, the port number and the SID. You will also need to specify your username and password.
7) Restart your JBoss instance. You can do this by going to the
If you have questions or comments about the above steps please write to me or visit Wonomi Technologies
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